Consulting Services
Meridian Service Group brings a unique mix of experience and talent to its customers for the successful planning and execution of large complex projects. Our corporate management team and subject matter experts have careers and records of accomplishment that span the three primary stakeholder sectors that comprise projects
- Owner/Licensees: The owner is the ultimate risk owner on large projects and bears ultimate responsibility for safe operations and economic profitability to shareholders and regulators and the three life cycle phases of construction, operation, and decommissioning.
- Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Firms: EPC firms are engaged by owner/licensees to integrate and execute the enormous up-front capital outlay involved with large projects and to manage all labor, equipment, and material elements.
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM): OEM companies provide the technologies and hardware required for large projects that drive the basic design and operating criteria for the reliable performance and quality of large project facilities.

As a result of this Management Team makeup makeup, Meridian Services Group is able to assemble consulting teams that bring the balance and insights of experience spanning these stakeholder sectors and project life cycle phases to add value to its customers. Our corporate leadership brings a unique commitment to and understanding of customer priorities and needs:
- Meridian Services Group has led many large, troubled project recovery efforts to assist utility owners with assessing project issues, developing a corrective action plan, and executing the steps required to address quality, safety, cost, and schedule performance elements.
- We have assisted owners, EPC, and OEM firms with the assessment of overall corporate Project Management Systems to achieve improved corporate-wide performance and results.
- Meridian Services Group has performed hundreds of high-level cost and schedule validation reviews to check the fidelity and accuracy of project planning budgets, risk elements, and staffing levels.
- We have been part of owner/licensee/project teams evaluating technology options and life cycle economics for LLWR, SMR, and Advanced Reactor Projects.
- Meridian Services Group personnel have served as subject matter experts (SME) for the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to assist member stakeholders with planning and training for New Nuclear Power (NNP) Plants.